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Kings Worthy Primary School

Y3 Autumn 2 2023

Topic 2: ‘Wonderful Winchester' - The History of Winchester.

For our 'Wonderful Winchester' topic we will be  finding out all about the history of the city and our local area which will be enhanced by a trip to the Winchester City Museum. Although the topic has a history focus, we will also be looking at some geographical features and maps as we go on a walk of the local area. 

English – We will be working towards creating our own tourist guide for Winchester, using the book ‘A Walk In London’ for inspiration. We will use our local walk and museum visit to help us as well as apply our computing skills to conduct research.

Maths – We will continue to recap all the learnt methods for addition, subtraction and begin to explore multiplication and division strategies. We will practise and use these methods to solve a range of problems to ensure our understanding of the four operations are secure. 

PE – The children will be learning how to play netball during our outdoor PE sessions, and we will be learning gymnastics and progressing our gymnastic skills onto the wall bars. 

Art/DT – The children will be looking at healthy eating, linking to their science for this half-term. The children will try different foods and design a healthy lunch box. 

Science – Our Science work this term is based on 'Light and Shadow'.  We will learn about how and why shadows are created, and they will measure and record shadows over a period of time to observe how they change.

PSHE – This half-term the children will focus on an anti-bullying topic. They will explore what bullying means and how to combat it. 

RE – Children will learn about angels as messengers and their role in the Christian religion.

Music – In music the children will learn about Jazz and perform a range of songs and explore their voice as an instrument. 

Computing – We will be learning about E-Safety as well as understanding how to create graphics and images using 2paintapicture.