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Kings Worthy Primary School

Y1 Autumn 1 2023

Topic 1:  All Around Us

For the first half of the Autumn term we will be learning about the local area. We will be thinking and learning about:

• Locating where we live on a map.
• Human and physical features around our school and Kings Worthy.
• Creating our own maps with symbols.
• The countries in the United Kingdom.

• The work of Megan Coyle and Imogen Skelley. Both British artist who focus on landscapes through colour and collage.
• Using colour, pattern and texture to create our own landscape collages.
• Developing our sketching skills.

English: We will start by writing labels, lists and captions before progressing on to writing simple sentences and learning about what makes a good sentence, including adding capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. 

Phonics: We will have daily phonics lessons following the Twinkl phonics scheme. We will be recapping level 4 and learning level 5 sounds.

Place Value (within 10)– Recapping and working on our grouping, sorting and counting up to 10. 
Addition and Subtraction (within 10) – We will be working on our addition fluency, recognising adding and subtracting symbols and part part whole models. 
Geometry - Looking at recognising and naming 2D and 3D shapes as well as making patterns. 

IT: We will be practising logging on to the computers, working on mouse control and learning to

PE: Indoor PE on Thursday morning and outdoor PE is on Friday afternoons. PE kits should be worn to school on these day including trainers. 

In RE we are thinking about things we are thankful for. We are learning about how Christians celebrate Harvest and how Jewish people celebrate Sukkot.

In Music we will be exploring pitch and tempo and working on our own superhero theme songs!