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Kings Worthy Primary School

Y2 Autumn 2 2024

Topic 2    Our new topic is ‘The Great Fire of London'

Our  English work will include:

  • Reading extracts from Samuel Pepys’ diary and exploring eyewitness accounts.
  • Writing our own diary entries from the perspective of a character.
  • Read 'The Great Fire of London' and create information texts of our own.
  • Read, explore and analyse the features of a story linked to our topic
  • Plan, write and edit a story of our own.

Our Maths work will include:

  • Problem solving and reasoning.
  • Number and Place Value including counting, reading and ordering two and three digit numbers.
  • Counting in 2s, 5s and 3s from 0 and in 10s from any number.
  • Multiplication using arrays.
  • Multiplication facts for 2, 5 and 10 x tables
  • Division by sharing and grouping.
  • Measuring using standard units to measure weight, temperature and time to the quarter hour.
  • Addition and subtraction of all single digit numbers up to and including 20.

Our Topic  work will include:

  • A Tudor House visit.
  • Research about The Great Fire of London in 1666.
  • Creating a timeline to include key historical events in British and world history.
  • Sequencing the events of the fire.
  • Drama in the role of a child in the bakery; creating and performing a scene from the night the fire started
  • Studying famous paintings of The Great Fire of London and recreating one.
  • Making a Tudor building to create a large model of London.
  • Finding out how fire safety has changed since 1666.
  • Links to Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service.
  • Taking part in a ‘London’s burning’ event after dark.


Indoor PE –Gym, balance and shape
Outdoor games – Multi skills- pass and receive (Hand)


Learn about The Nativity Story and the concept of Journeys.

Hampshire music service- Tuned percussion